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Mini Music Player Script For Blogger

Your blog will become more beautiful and lively if you have a mini music player or implement this music player script.
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Music has become a basic need for us nowadays. If we are sad, we listen to music, if we are happy, we listen to music. Most of the occasion's we like to listen to music. So, today I am going to share a Mini Music Player Script for blogger.


Short Talk

Music is very important for us because it can also cure mental patients, in many places it has been seen that music has a very good effect, there are many people who are not mentally fit if their favorite music is heard, then their condition improves so that music acts as medicine. The importance of music is also because the music reminds you of your old, friends there are many people who have forgotten their memories due to the problem of the mind, but through music, they can remember their old memories and live like a healthy human being in life.

Advantage of using Mini Music Player Script

Your blog will become more beautiful and lively if you have a mini music player or implement this music player script. Currently, there are many online music streaming sites that allow embed codes, but most of these codes don't work, or don't work stability on Blogger. So today I'm going to share with you the mini music player script. you can Easily embedding this in blogs, helping to increase the experience and attract readers back to your website. Now, let's enjoy this chill, before taking the music player script!

Below is the Demo of the Mini Music Player that I created . You just need to download the script & copy and put it where you want to display:


{{ currentTrack.artist }}
{{ currentTrack.name }}
{{ duration }}
{{ currentTime }}

Parameters that need to be changed in the Script:

  1. Name: "song's name"
  2. Artist: "The name of the song"
  3. Cover: "photo link"
  4. Source: ".mp3 format music link"
  5. Url: ".mp3 format music link"

The music link format requires a .mp3 tail to work

Download Mini Music Player Script For Blogger

Mini Music Player Script.Txt 30 KB


Recently I shared with you soucre code to play music in blogs, websites. Use it to create unique and meaningful songs to send to your loved ones, instead of words!

I hope that you will like this Music Player Script For Blogger. Hopefully, the Above tutorial has completely helped you to impement the music player script in your blog. If you have got any issue regarding this. Then in fact you'll be able to inquire from me by commenting or Contact us

Was it helpful? If it had been then don’t forget to share this text along with your alternative friends too.. Thank you for visiting. Happy Blogging..

© Tech & Fun Zone

About the Author

Student | Blogger | Developer


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