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HTML Handwritten Notes PDF | Free Download

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Hey Guyz, If you want HTML Handwritten Notes PDF, then you have come to the right place. Today I am going to share HTML Handwritten Notes PDF & some information about HTML

    HTML History

    In 1989, Tim Berners-Lee, Robert Cailliau, and others created HTML for the first time. Hyper Text Markup Language is its full name, and the term "Hypertext" refers to a link to the text that you click to move from one document to another. We benefit from this because we can obtain complete information about any topic. Additionally, we instruct the computer on how to format and present our document using a Markup language.

    HTML 5.0, the most recent version, is supported by all browsers.

    What is HTML


    Now we will learn, what HTML is? We refer HTML as Hypertext Markup Language. HTML is a Programming Language for computers that is used to make websites. Additionally, it gets its color and style from CSS. With the help of this HTML Handwritten Notes PDF you can learn or practice html on your own.

    Compared to other computer languages like C, C++, Java, etc., this one is very easy to learn. But Keep it in mind that HTML is not a Programming Langauge, It is a Markup Language. It is simple to use and can be learned quickly by anyone.

    With the help of HTML, a website can be created and viewed by anyone around the world via the internet. In 1980, Physicist Tim Berners-Lee discovered HTML in Geneva. HTML is a stage free language that can be utilized on any stage like Windows, Linux, Mac, and so on. I hope this HTML Handwritten Notes PDF will be useful for you.

    What is the usage of HTML?

    Using HTML, it is simple to create a webpage. To do this, you need two things: a browser like Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and so on, and a straightforward text editor like Notepad, Notepad++, VScode etc. Now Your website is noticed and seen by internet users.

    HTML is made up of a series of small codes which we write in notepad, these small codes are called tags. HTML tags tell the browser how and where to show the elements written inside that tag in the website. As I am going to share this HTML Handwritten Notes PDF, you can create some basic or advanced website or visulas on your own.

    HTML provides many such tags which gives an attractive look to your website by using graphics, font size and colors. After writing the HTML code, your document has to be saved, to save it in the name of html file It is necessary to write .htm or .html with it only then it will show your html document in your browser otherwise not.

    Benefits of HTML

    Following is the some Benefits of html. Let's Find out

    1. HTML is browser friendly:
    2. HTML is supported by Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, and a plethora of similar programs. This makes HTML very enjoyable because of its quality among the top current programs.

    3. Permission to use:
    4. Since HTML is open-source, it is permitted to use it. This is an incredible advantage for organizations and individuals as there is no compelling reason to purchase additional products for composing HTML code.

    5. Easy to learn:
    6. HTML is the fundamental reinforcement of web development. It is very natural to find that even school students can use HTML to create their own original sites with images and sounds.

    7. Basic Design:
    8. HTML is a basic language and has a proper construction with predefined labels and attributes. Along these lines, if you practice regularly, you will get accustomed to the straightforward HTML structure and would really like to write HTML code without any problems.

    9. Light and fast:
    10. HTML is a lightweight markup language. It saves time for the customers by reducing the stacking time.

    11. Use of Formats:
    12. HTML allows the use of formats for developers. Thus, this scheme greatly simplifies the work of web engineers by reducing the time spent on code generation.

    13. Information storage:
    14. HTML maintains data storage. HTML Web Storage gives two items to store information away. They are as follows:

      1. window.sessionStorage – This stores information for a single meeting.

      2. Window.localStorage – It stores information without any expiry date.

      Download HTML Handwritten Notes PDF

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      Final Words

      I hope this Article HTML Handwritten Notes PDF. If you want any more information like this article. Please follow our Tech & Fun Zone on Telegram Channel for updates.

      Hopefully, the Above HTML Handwritten Notes PDF Download has completely helped you to learn HTM  If you have got any issues in understanding this tutorial. Then in fact you'll be able to inquire from me by commenting or Contact us

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    About the Author

    Student | Blogger | Developer

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